Kia ora e te whānau,
As you know we are currently experiencing a second wave of COVID-19 and as such are experiencing a spike in both student and staff absences. As a school that has robust online teaching and learning practices and has demonstrated the ability to facilitate effective teaching and learning from home, we are in a position to move to remote teaching and learning as needed. We also believe it is important to try and keep our students in school in the longer term as we very much value face to face learning with our young people.
For this reason we have developed a two step response. The first is a one-off learning from home “circuit-breaker”, the second is an increased focus on self-directed learning which we are hoping will minimise the need for any further school closures.
As always we are looking to support the wellbeing of our students and staff whilst also looking at ways to deliver robust teaching and learning and the very best opportunities for academic success in the longterm.
Short Learning from Home “Circuit Breaker” Friday 27/05 – Tuesday 31/05
We will switch to learning from home from this Friday to next Tuesday. During that time ALL students will be expected to engage with learning via their Google Classroom and regular Google Meetings.
The schedule for this is below.

Part Two – Self-directed learning in specialist subject zones Thursday-Fridays Weeks 5-8
In the coming weeks we are likely to experience continued disruption due to ongoing increased staff and student absences. As we know, our learners learn best when in school and we need to have a strategy in which we avoid school closures. The following strategy is informed by our commitment to developing learner agency by supporting learner agency. By focusing on increasing self-directed learning we are able to keep the school open and deliver our timetabled classes whilst experiencing fluctuating staff numbers.
Timetabled classes would continue as normal on a Monday and Tuesday. These classes will have a focus on direct instruction and preparing the student for learning for the week.
Impact Projects will continue as normal.
In Period Two and Three on Thursday and Period One, Two and Three on Friday students will go to the spaces based on their timetabled subjects. Learning zones will be established which will bring all classes from a specific learning area together, i.e. all students who do Maths class in Line One will go to the same space. Specialist subject teachers from that learning area will then be on hand to help students to progress their work and assessments. All students must work alongside a teacher. All students will be supervised and supported by teachers at all times.
We encourage you to read the full strategy here:
Link to Learning Strategy for Term Two
We know this strategy may seem overwhelming, particularly for those who are new to the school. Please be assured that we will work closely with our learners to support them every step of the way. We ask that you continue to support us by ensuring your young person is attending classes online and in person. We will checking in on the effectiveness of this strategy regularly to ensure it is effective in delivering great learning and addressing the challenges we face at present.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support!
Important Dates in Term Two
Learning from Home – Friday 27th – Tuesday 31st May
Queen’s Birthday – Monday 6th June (Public Holiday)
Matariki – Friday 24th June (Public Holiday)
Nga mihi