General Absence Processes.
To notify late arrival, early departure or all day absence for your young person use the Parent portal.
This is available through a browser on your mobile device or laptop/desktop computer.
Please endeavour to notify before 9.30am if possible, so the attendance can be recorded accurately for your young person.
Portal Link:
Instructions to report an absence.
You will need to indicate the reason for absence in the portal.
Click here to view a video version of these instructions.
If you need your ASHS Portal (KAMAR) Parent/Caregiver login credentials, please contact
Mobile Device
For ease of access, you make like to create a webclip/shortcut on your phone to the new responsive portal.
Instructions to do this are available here.
Special Leave
For long term leave (more than 3 days) a special leave form must be printed, completed and submitted via reception for the Principal’s signature.
Prior notification of 2 weeks is requested.
Please Click Here to access the form.
It will need to be printed as the student will need to make contact with each of their teachers before the application for is submitted.