Wellbeing Support at ASHS
Wellbeing Centre is located opposite 3A
Our aim is to support the wellbeing and safety of all students at ASHS to enable our young people to achieve their full potential.Our focus is to support students to improve their wellbeing and resilience. In action, this involves helping them to make decisions that are empowering, particularly in the face of distressing situations that may be getting in the way of them thriving at school and life.We are professionally trained counsellors, registered members of New Zealand Association of Counsellors and we work according to the ‘NZAC Code of Ethics’. We maintain confidentiality unless there is a serious and imminent risk to safety.
The Wellbeing team (counsellors) provide a private and confidential service for all students. Students may self-refer, be referred by teachers, SLT’s, or parents.
Request or Book a Counselling appointment via this link or pop down to Wellbeing Centre and see Andrea
*Albany Senior High School account is required to access the form.
There are always times in your life when things happen and you are not sure what to do. At times like this it can help to talk to someone else. As counsellors we are trained to support you to explore any issue or concern to find new ideas or ways of coping to develop resilience and empowerment.
People might seek counselling for support for the following reasons:
- Difficulties at home/school
- Low self-esteem
- Bullying
- Abuse
- Grief and loss
- Anxiety
- Parents separated
- Sexuality
- Getting in trouble at school and want to change this
- Lonely
- Social media issues
- Feeling low
- Struggling with anger
- Stress management
- Alcohol or drug problems
- Friendship issues
A counsellor may also:
- Provide referrals to other agencies for specific help
- Facilitate/organise mediations to resolve conflict
- Facilitate restorative meetings where clear harm has been done
- Advocate for people who are disempowered
- See you on your own or with a support person
- Support you with your talking to your family/peers/teachers
In counselling you can talk in a safe, non-judgemental place with someone who supports you. A counsellor is someone who listens carefully and supports you to explore and discover new perspectives, ideas, and choices.
It can help you:
- Reduce stress
- Set goals and plans
- Get to know yourself better
- Improve relationships
- Get linked in with other agencies to support you
- Build a sense of resilience and self-identity
- Make a safety plan should you be at risk
You can expect your counsellor to:
- Listen to you carefully and sensitively
- Respect you and your whānau
- Support you in making the changes you choose to make
- Help decide when to include parents/caregivers
- Respect your confidentiality (with the exception of you or others being at serious risk of harm)
Our Student Wellbeing Team
Student Wellbeing Team
Ronwyn Taylor
About Me
In School - Monday - Friday DDI 451 9207Catherine Thomson
About Me
In School - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, FridaySuzie Young
About Me
In School - Monday - Thursday My early career aspiration was to be an international woman of mystery, wear nice clothes and get on and off planes. Somehow, that didn't work out for me and after moonlighting as a teacher of maths, I find myself in an even better job, working alongside young people to support their mental health. When you can't find me in the student services department, you may find me as MVP of a mediocre pub quiz team, taking long walks on the beach, and loving on the important people in my life.Tim Jaffray
About Me
In School - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, FridayI began my career as a counsellor in 1990 and then spent the next 30 years in corporate, consulting, and academia—as a line manager, management consultant, professional teaching fellow, Case writer, and senior academic. I worked in the public and private sectors as well as large companies and small medium enterprises. In 2021, I returned to counselling. I’m blessed to call the paradise of Waiwera my home, where I live with my wonderful wife, Sam, and our son, Joe.
Andrea Hegan
About Me
In School Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, FridayStudent Services Dogs
Meg and Remi

For you or a friend you are worried about
If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of someone you care for, call the Emergency Services on 111 for an immediate response.
Need to talk?
24/7 text or call 1737
text 234 or call 0800 376 633
Suicide Crisis Line:
0508 828 865
Depression Line:
0800 111 757
Alcohol and Drug Helpline:
0800 787 797
Family Violence info line:
0800 456 450
Health line:
0800 611 116
Lifeline Aotearoa nationwide:
0800 543 354
Victim Support:
0800 842 846
Outline: LGBTIQ- affirming support line and face to face counselling:
0800 688 5463
Sexual Abuse Help:
0800 044 334 (24hrs)
Anxiety phone line:
0800 269 4389
Need another Helpline? Find the one your need here:
Wellbeing for Students
Resources to help you navigate some of the major areas that you and your friends may experience
Alcohol is a drug that slows down the brain and nervous system. It is the most widely used drug in New Zealand. The effect of alcohol varies greatly from person to person. It is illegal to buy alcohol if you are under 18 years of age and it is also illegal to supply alcohol to anyone who is under 18. It is important that you know your legal position and the responsibilities that go with that.
Illegal Drugs
Illegal drugs include such things as marijuana, magic mushrooms, LSD, ecstasy, methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin. Possession of any of these drugs is against the law and carries a penalty that may include imprisonment.
Vaping is prohibited at all times in schools under the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Act 2020.
Under this act it is an offence to sell nicotine vaping products to young people under 18.
Whilst the long term effects of vaping are not fully understood, breathing any product into your lungs unnecessarily is not ideal. There are many unpleasant side effects associated with vaping including headaches and shortness of breath.
In New Zealand it is illegal for any under 18 to purchase tobacco. It is also illegal to smoke tobacco under the age of 16. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug contained in all tobacco products. Nicotine affects the chemistry of the brain, regulating thinking and feelings. Early use of tobacco can predispose adolescents to depression which can lead to other drug use. Here are some useful links.
Altered High is CADS youth service for young people aged 13 – 19 and their family/whānau. We are a mobile community service and travel to see young people in an environment most suitable for them such as at school or at work.
Altered High (Youth) | CADS Auckland
Youthline – advice on Alcohol and Drugs
Useful website for more information
Mental Health Foundation – Wellbeing
Youthline Information and Advice