Signing out for study leave, Year 13 Graduation, NCEA Exams and other end of year info!
Kia ora e te whānau,
Welcome to what may be the last newsletter for 2024! Just a few quick updates so you know exactly what is happening over the coming weeks.
I also want to take this opportunity to acknowledge Hamish and the senior leadership team for stepping up whilst I was away on sabbatical in Term Three. It was fabulous to return to school this term knowing that the ship was in such safe hands.
I would like to extend a thank you to all of you as well. Your support and willingness to work with us to support your young people is such an important part of how we operate here at ASHS. Thank you also for choosing us as the kura of choice for your young person. In my six years here as Principal it has been heartening to see the community grow and for our community to show greater understanding of the value of what we do here at Albany Senior High School.
To this end, I encourage you to watch this short video created by our fabulous alumnus, Kaia Jamieson, which highlights why we hope more students will join the Albany Junior / Albany Senior pathway. In the words of alumni, it is about why we are ‘Better Together’. Feel free to share it around.
You can watch the clip here:
Year 11 and 12s signing out for study leave
You have either already received an email from your young person’s Tutor or will receive an email in the next few days. This email will let you know if your young person is signing out for study leave after their Celebration of Learning on Thursday or if they will be required to return for NCEA Workshops the following week. This decision is based on whether they are on track for achieveing their personal goal for the year. Please, when you receive this email, support your young person to attend workshops, as their success this year will be a huge help for them succeeding and achieving their goals in 2025.
ASHS Sports Prizegiving
Our annual ASHS Sports Prizegiving and celebration will take place in the ASHS Theatre at 6.00pm next Wednesday.
Year 11 and Year 12 Celebration of Learning
If your young person is winning an award at the Celebration of Learning next Thursday you will receive an email shortly (if you haven’t already) this email will let you know and will include an invite to attend the learning celebration. Please keep an eye out!
Year 13 Celebration of Excellence and Graduation
Family and whānau of all Year 13 students are invited to join us for a graduation ceremony and celebration of learning on Friday 1st November from 10.00am. Every student leaving Year 13 will receive a Graduation Certificate and will have their graduation photo taken. This year we will follow the event with a celebration for students and whānau in the courtyard where we will provide light refreshments, you can purchase a fundraising sausage from the sausage sizzle and our cafe will be open for tasty drinks and treats as well. There will also be music and we will end the event with a group photo for the entire cohort. A lovely way for our ‘Class of 2024’ to mark the end of their learning journey with us!

NCEA Exams
NCEA exams begin on Tuesday 5th November and run through to Friday 29th November.
You can view the exam schedule here:
Please ensure your young person has this saved somewhere and that they have their admission slip ready for their exams.
Out of zone enrolments for 2025 closing soon!
Please note that we will not be able to accept any out of zone enrolments after the 1st December 2024. In fact any whānau wishing to join us should complete the enrolment process ASAP as classes are filling up quickly. If you know anyone who is planning to join us, please encourage them to enrol ASAP! To enrol, following the link here:
Nga mihi