Kia ora e te whānau,
I hope Term Three is treating you well. It is a bit scary how quickly the end of the school year comes into view. Only five more weeks left this term and four weeks of learning in Term Four before we move to exam leave. The countdown is on!
Yesterday you should have received an invitation to sign up for Learning Dialogues. If you have yet to receive this email please check your SPAM folder or get in touch with your young person’s Tutor teacher.
Below are two opportunities for you to provide your feedback as part of the ASHS Community. The first is a link to SchoolDocs which hosts our school policies. Every term you will get sent a link and given the opportunity to feedback on any policies that are up for review. The second is an opportunity to provide feedback on the first draft of our 2023-2025 ASHS Strategy. This is a high-level document that seeks to outline our aspirations as a school. Please have a read and send any feedback via the form provided.
At the bottom of this newsletter, you will find the important dates for this term. Note – the school is closed on Friday for midterm break. I have also added the start dates for 2024 for those returning to us next year.

SchoolDocs – Term Three policy review now open
Each term, the whole school community is invited to review and comment on specific policies and procedures. This feedback is captured using the review button on topics that are under review. The review topics for each term are listed on the Review Instructions page.
Members of our school community have access to SchoolDocs via this link.
ASHS SchoolDocs:
Our username is “ashs” and password “policies”.

ASHS Draft Strategy – have your say!
Over the remainder of this term, we are working on our DRAFT ASHS Strategy which will guide our priorities for the next three years, beginning in October 2023. We have been working with our school board to design a draft strategy and are keen to hear your thoughts as well. Please have a read of the document below and if you would like to provide any feedback please fill out the form attached. We are interested in our community helping us do a SWOT analysis of the draft in its current form.
SWOT stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat. A SWOT analysis guides you to identify your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses (S-W), as well as broader opportunities and threats (O-T). Developing a fuller awareness of the situation helps with both strategic planning and decision-making.
Link to the DRAFT ASHS Strategy 2023-2025
Link to the SWOT analysis feedback form
Enrolments for 2024 are now open!
If you know anyone hoping to join us next year please encourage them to enrol as soon as possible. The enrolment form is online here:
Note – Out-of-zone enrolments for 2024 will close Friday 1st December 2023!

Important Dates
Friday 18th August – Mid-term break (school closed)
Thursday 24th August – Learning Dialogues (3:30 – 8:30 pm)
Tuesday 29th August – Learning Dialogues (1.30-5.30 pm)
Thursday 31st August – Māori / Pasifika whānau hui (6.30-7.30 pm)
Thursday 7th September – Tuesday 12th September – Prelim Exam and Workshop Week
Wednesday 20th September – Impact Projects Excellence Evening
Start of year 2024:
Wednesday 31st January – Year 13 only
Thursday 1 February – Year 12 only
Friday 2nd February – Year 11 only (and pōwhiri)
Monday 5th February – Full school full Timetable begins
Tuesday 6th February – Waitangi Day
Nga mihi